Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Garden Shed

Finally, after months of waiting, we have a new little garden shed to keep all the stuff for the pool in. Our pool is in the front so as soon as you drive up our driveway you can see it and all the mess. Well now there's no mess! Yahoo!

Here are some photos I took over the last two Saturdays. Such a small shed was awfully complicated to put together. The instructions left an awful lot to be desired. Mr Mumfies is no dummy and he was having trouble.

The kids all had to help, which they happily did! No they didn't! They helped but there weren't a lot of smiles to be seen. Fuzz Ball was probably the most helpful, as usual. The other two just aren't work bees. Foo even tried to sneak into the pool a few times.

But it's finished and I'm happy - for now!

Still having trouble with photos. Try again soon. Grrrr

Got some up. Had more trouble. Some were only half showing. Grrrrr again. Back to it late then.

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