Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kokoda Challenge - almost there!

Something from Mr Mumfies......

Hi Everyone
Just updating you on my current escapades!

As you are probably aware I have been in training for some time with my team (of 4) , which has basically been hiking for prolonged periods 8/10 hours at time through the night and all through the day, climbing the equivalent of Mount Everest on Kangaroo Point Cliffs etc etc all to prepare for -

The Kokoda Challenge. A non-stop 96 km rugged Mountain trek through the mountains in the Gold Coast Hinterland, that we must complete in under 39 hours over the weekend of Sat / Sun 18th and 19th July

NOTE - Last year only a 1/3rd of teams completed the event (and of those only 50% completed in under 30 hours!)

Apart from trying to relive our youth our team all in its 40's and 50's is also trying to -

Raise Funds for Kokoda Challenge Youth Program

These funds go to the Kokoda Challenge Youth Program, a very worthwhile cause, where the funds raised are used to channel young people into very worthwhile and positive pursuits, the 12 month long program is designed to improve self confidence, provide a greater sense of being part of a community and to gain a clearer sense of purpose, as well as preparing for the ultimate challenge of walking the actual Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea

Your Support Financial or Otherwise (Text) would be appreciated - We are trying to raise as many sponsors by end of Business Thursday 2/7/09

Please make a (tax deductible) donation to the charity we are supporting - I have in my office tax receipt books for any cash donation or you can donate on-line at

Important Note - For on line donations

Please make sure you reference our team name, ‘Sheer-As’. Every on line donation gives you the chance to win a trip to do the Kokoda Trail in New Guinea.

We have already had a number of generous pledges of donations and sponsorship and we thank everyone who has so generously supported this worthwhile cause to date.

Thank you for support financial and otherwise to date.
PS -

Any text support on the day / night of Sat 18th July AND Sun 19th July would also be greatly appreciated as believe me you run out of things quickly to say to 3 other blokes you have spent literally days hiking with - let alone approx 30 hours straight - no sleep etc

Kind Regards

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