Friday, October 10, 2008

Don't ya just love school projects?!

During the recent school holidays Fuzz Ball (our dear darling first born) had a science project to be done with a friend. Excuse me but it's school holidays. Why can't school work be kept to a school term? Seems very inefficient to me.

So what had to be done then? You could chose an experiment. We have a book, 101 cool science experiments. Fuzz Ball and friend decided to make a volcano. Oh joy, sounds like lots of mess. Yes it was! Off we toddle to the supermarket to purchase the ingredients. Shell out small fortune. Come home and, well you can see the photos here. Even Daisy, the cat, went out for a sniff and a look.

I don't think it was overly successful, with the fizzing and shooting up not being quite as they expected. Perhaps they thought it would shoot way up? Who knows with boys? They seemed to enjoy themselves. Isn't that the main object? Not so sure! They had to write all about it too. Apparently they have to do it all again in the classroom. I haven't been "sent" to purchase more stuff so hopefully they won't!

1 comment:

Mooselet said...

Fuzz Ball!!! Oh I love it! Glad to see your school project during non-school time turned out okay. Although Daisy looks unimpressed. Nice set up to the blog as well.